Gambit, a 100ml shortfill e-liquid crafted by Five Pawns, presents a dessert blend with subtle yet distinctive notes. Crisp apple pie intertwines with creamy vanilla ice cream, while decadent caramel weaves through, uniting the opulent flavors into a rich and satisfying vaping experience.
Packaged as a 100ml shortfill with 0mg strength, each bottle provides ample space for the addition of two 10ml nic shots. Achieving a 3mg e-liquid is effortless – simply incorporate two 18mg shots into the bottle.
With a 50/50 VG/PG ratio, this e-liquid produces a moderate amount of vapor, making it well-suited for Mouth To Lung (MTL) vaping devices like pod kits and starter kits.
Packaged as a 100ml shortfill with 0mg strength, each bottle provides ample space for the addition of two 10ml nic shots. Achieving a 3mg e-liquid is effortless – simply incorporate two 18mg shots into the bottle.
With a 50/50 VG/PG ratio, this e-liquid produces a moderate amount of vapor, making it well-suited for Mouth To Lung (MTL) vaping devices like pod kits and starter kits.